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Number of people emigrating from Ireland continues to grow

Number of people emigrating from Ireland continues to grow
Figures released by Ireland’s Central Statistics Office show that the number of people leaving the country was higher this year than last year. For the year ending in April, 46,500 Irish nationals decided to emigrate, a year on increase of 16 per cent. The figure for all nationalities leaving Ireland hit 87,100 compared to the previous...

Scared couple emigrate to Australia after robbery shooting

Scared couple emigrate to Australia after robbery shooting
A couple who were arrested and held in police custody after the husband shot at intruders during a burglary at their cottage have now left the UK to start a new life in Australia. Tracy and Andy Ferrie were arrested a month ago and claim they have been in a living hell ever since. Two men have now been handed four year prison sentences for...

Canadian recruitment firm targets Irish workers

Canadian recruitment firm targets Irish workers
Diamond Group of Companies, a recruitment firm based in Canada, has announced it will be opening a UK and European headquarters in Dublin in order to recruit around 1,000 workers to relocate to Canada. In order to address a shortfall in the Canadian workforce it is estimated that the country will have to find 150,000 temporary workers from...

Emigrating to Australia: Introduction of a tougher immigration policy

Emigrating to Australia: Introduction of a tougher immigration policy
Australia’s foreign minister has explained to a gathering of business people in New York how his country plans to introduce a tougher immigration policy for those seeking asylum from war zones and poorer countries in Asia. At the same time he explained that it was going to be important for the Australian economy to tap into the market being...

Unemployment figures in Ireland kept down by emigration

Unemployment figures in Ireland kept down by emigration
New figures published by the Irish government suggest that as many as 40,000 people leave the country every year because the employment prospects are so dire. Analysts claim the high emigration figures were one of the reasons that the unemployment figure in Ireland is not much higher than it already is. The Central Statistics Office said...

Australia desperate for foreign healthcare workers

Australia desperate for foreign healthcare workers
Health Workforce Australia has released a new report in which it claims the country needs to encourage more doctors and nurses to enter the country from abroad to fill a shortfall. The study reveals that in 2009 around a quarter of the doctors working in Australia had acquired their medical training overseas. The report claims that over...

Pope discourages Christian youth from leaving Lebanon

Pope discourages Christian youth from leaving Lebanon
The Pope has made an appeal to young Lebanese Christians not to choose emigration as a reaction to sometimes difficult circumstances. He explained that they represented the future of the country and as such should be forging closer ties with young Muslims and advocating greater cooperation, religious freedom and tolerance. This is the...

Russia sees 1.3 million leave in three years

Posted on September 19, 2012 in Relocation Working Abroad
STORY LINK Russia sees 1.3 million leave in three years
Russia sees 1.3 million leave in three years
A Russian born sociologist currently working at Michigan State University has voiced his fears that the former Soviet Union is suffering because of rampant corruption, greed and mass emigration. Vladimir Shlapentokh said that liberalisation and openness had not led to democracy, and that his former home was now being run by a wealthy elite,...

Rise in the number of Mexicans choosing to emigrate

Rise in the number of Mexicans choosing to emigrate
Mexico’s National Institute of Statistics and Geography has reported an increase in the number of people leaving the country for the quarter of the year ending in June. The figures show a population loss of 27.6 people for every 10,000 living in the country. The figure, which is the highest it has been since 2008, is calculated by...

Sports clubs in Ireland suffer from emigration

Sports clubs in Ireland suffer from emigration
Football clubs across Ireland are suffering because of a wave of emigration which has resulted in some clubs losing as many as half their team members over the past two years. The Central Statistics Office has released figures which show that between April 2010 and April 2011 40,200 citizens of Ireland emigrated, an increase of 13,000 on the...